Organization of tourist activities in the context of formation of cognitive activity of pupils

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Kalachinskaya N.B.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article analyzes analysis of the bases of formation and development of children’s tourism in the context of its use as a pedagogical tool. The aim of this work is the determination of the theoretical foundations and practical methods of organizing the tour of the local history work using active forms of tourism in the conditions of interaction of the organizations of the tourist market and secondary educational institutions. The methodological basis of the work is socio-educational approach to the formation of cognitive activity of schoolchildren by means of tourism; we used the methods of system analysis, analogy, modeling, observation. The paper identified the role of child tourism as a tool for the formation of a socially active position of the young generation, identifying trends and limiting factors for the development of school tourism. On the basis of comprehensive study, a number of measures were proposed aimed at developing a system of organizational and methodological support for the children’s tourism system and consisting of rules. These rules regulate the organization of excursion activities in the school, the system of teaching professional development in the field of children’s tourism, as well as the introduction at the regional level of a system of certification and promotion of teachers of various subjects using active forms of tourism.

Scientific novelty of the work is a model of organization tour of the local history works on the principle of interaction between the participants of the tourist market and institutions of school and further education. The practical significance of this work is to study the organization of children’s excursion destinations in Primorsky Krai and on its basis to develop proposals for the inclusion of tour package to the Federal project “Living lessons” aimed at the implementation of active methods of tourism in the formation of cognitive activity of pupils.

Keywords: children’s tourism, excursion and local lore activity, pupil’s cognitive activity, active methods of cognition, the subjects of the children’s tourist market.